National Mesothelioma Claims

If you were diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer, you will need to obtain the best treatment, pay for living expenses while sick, and provide for your family in the future.

The National Mesothelioma Claims Center was created to help victims of Mesothelioma and their families recover asbestos compensation to assist with medical expenses.

The $30 Billion Trust Can Help!

Thirty (30) billion dollars has been set aside by asbestos manufacturers to pay individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other asbestos-related diseases.

The companies that created the asbestos products and profited from them have put up the money to pay people living with cancer who are now sick. This asbestos trust money can be used to cover treatment and help with family expenses, ensuring your family’s future.

How it Works

Filing with the Asbestos Trust Funds is the quickest way to recover compensation. The amount paid is based on the severity of the cancer diagnosis. Asbestos claims are paid in the order they are received; therefore, the sooner you file the faster you will be paid.

Get Started

Complete the form, and we will send you a FREE Asbestos Trust Fund Packet outlining the best way to proceed. There is no cost or obligation, and the process is easier than you think. If you have any questions, call us at 1-800-875-3000 or fill out the form. Remember time is limited.

Why File Now?

It is important to file as quickly as possible as claims are paid on a first in first out basis. Even if your employer was the government, has filed bankruptcy, or no longer exists you may still be eligible for asbestos trust money.

$30 Billion Set Aside for Mesothelioma Victims Start You Claim Today